Friday, November 9, 2012

Does this count?

I was not looking forward to Day 3 of the 31 Day Challenge: Yellow Nails. Yellow is my least favorite color EVER.  But I found this nifty little bottle of Bon Bons nail polish, a shimmery sunshine yellow that I felt I could almost live with.  Paired with another Bon Bons itty-bitty bottle of goodness in the form of a watermelon red shimmer and Sinful Colors Midnight Blue (one of my FAVE polishes everso metallic, so blue, so NOT showing brush strokes at all EVER), I figured with two accent nails and lots of splatter painting, it's almost as if my nails aren't yellow...does that means it does or does not count for the challenge?  Anyway, here 'tis:

Flash (big time)

My two faves:

The first pic comes closest to the right color for the red, but it's still more pink than that. It looks flippin' tomato orange in the second shot. Whatever. And, as is obvious from those two pics, I have a hard time making the whole coffee stir technique for splatter painting work well.  It's still infinitely better than polish thinned out and splashed around with a paint brush; 90% of the time, this spacially-challenged hand-eye-coordination reject missed the nail completely with that method! In the spirit of full disclosure, also note that deep blue polish splattered on super-dry, Mommy-washes-her-hands-too-many-times-a-day fingers equals rather ineffective clean-up and creepy blue lines all over my thumbs...and index fingers. Oh well. All in all, it wasn't half bad; the kids like it, especially Ian.

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